At last night's meeting, the Garretson School Board approved guidelines for summer conditioning and sports workouts in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The guidelines can be found here: The District's administration will monitor local conditions with respect to COVID-19, and will adjust the plan from Phase I to Phase II or Phase III appropriately based on those conditions. We are excited to begin working with our students again!
over 4 years ago, Guy Johnson
Here is an update on June 20th, GHS Class of 2020 Graduation.
over 4 years ago, Chris Long
Reminder if you ordered spring apparel from the school store, it is in and in the office.
over 4 years ago, Kelsey Buchholz
Each year Garretson requires all student athletes in grades 7-12 who participate in school sports to complete an athletic physical annually. This year due to COVID-19 the SDHSAA has recommended that schools waive the requirement for annual athletic physicals next year. The SDHSAA minimum requirement is one physical every three years. Garretson will follow this recommendation and waive physicals for all students that have taken a physical at any time after 2018-2019 WITH THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS: The only students REQUIRED to have a physical exam in 2020-2021 are those student athletes entering 7th Grade, those who have never had a physical prior to the 2020-2021 school year, and those whose last physical was prior to 2017-2018. This is a one year exception as Garretson will return to our handbook policy of annual physicals following the 2020-2021 school year. Students who are required to have an athletic physical will need to schedule it with their family physician. If you have questions please contact Mr. Steckler at the school. Attached is the Athletic Physical/Handbook forms. Or you can visit our website under Documents--Athletics-- 2020-21 Athletic Physical/Handbook. Thank You!
over 4 years ago, Leslie Longhenry
Academic Awards Video: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - (And yes.. I spelled Congratulations wrong)
over 4 years ago, Matt Schrank
Tonight Only! Check out Garretson school channel 230, for our Virtual Academic Awards video. It will air at 6 PM. A link for the video as well as the program will be sent out tomorrow. Contact the school for scholarship information.
over 4 years ago, Matt Schrank
Even though we are not together in class, 3rd graders continue to do high quality work at home. Check out a few of our 3rd grade ode poems!
over 4 years ago, Amber Williamson
3rd Grade aides
3rd Grade aides
3rd Grade aides
3rd Grade aides
Good evening, in a special meeting, the Garretson School Board has approved the rescheduling of the 2020 GHS Graduation to June 20th at 1pm. Location will be communicated at a later date.
over 4 years ago, Chris Long
A little video from our Elementary Staff! Missin’ our students. Also, don’t forget pickup is today till 6:00 pm.
over 4 years ago, Matt Schrank
Garretson is joining schools across the State of South Dakota in a light campaign for the class of 2020. This Thursday 4/16 (4+16 =20) at the 20th hour (8pm) at the 20th minute the lights at the Garretson Sports Complex will be turned on to show support for the class of 2020. Those interested are encouraged to drive by the football field and honk support. Please do not stop or try to come onto the field as we will still encourage everyone to practice social distancing.
almost 5 years ago, Guy Johnson
Congratulations to Carter from 5D!! He won the Arbor Day Poster contest for the school and will go on to the state contest! It was a close competition! Good job to all that participated!
almost 5 years ago, Lisa Danforth
Arbor Day Contest
The Garretson Board of Education will meet at 5:45 on Monday, April 13. The meeting will be conducted using video conference technology, and will be broadcast on the District's Alliance Channel to ensure transparency for the public. Any District patrons who would like to participate in the public comments section of the agenda are invited to contact Superintendent Guy Johnson by 5:15 PM to make arrangements to address the Board.
almost 5 years ago, Guy Johnson
Reminder: Elementary Material Packet Pick Up is Tomorrow (April 9th) from 8am to 6pm. If you made paper/felt hearts, please bring them :) Have Happy and Healthy Easter!
almost 5 years ago, Leslie Longhenry
This afternoon, Governor Noem recommended that schools remain closed through the end of the year. Garretson schools will be closed, but we will continue to move forward with our Distance Learning plans to finish the year strong. Be watching for updated plans from your principal.
almost 5 years ago, Guy Johnson
Check out the April newsletter
almost 5 years ago, Norinda Northrup
We applied for a waiver to some of the rules for feeding our students while we are out of school. Our application was accepted. As of Monday, we will be able to provide a free grab and go lunch and breakfast to anyone under the age of 18 in the District. Meals are available from 11AM to 1PM.
almost 5 years ago, Guy Johnson
A special shout out to all of our Blue Dragon educators for getting us off to an awesome start with distance education. Give them a round of applause and show them a little love!
almost 5 years ago, Michelle Pliska
Governor Noem has updated her recommendation for SD schools. See the latest update from the Superintendent as to how this impacts Garretson Schools:
almost 5 years ago, Guy Johnson
Earlier this week, Governor Noem held a press conference and recommended that all schools in the State of SD close through March 27. The Garretson School District will be closed at least through that time.
almost 5 years ago, Guy Johnson
Good Afternoon! Please see the attached link from Elementary Principal, Mrs. Hulscher.
almost 5 years ago, Leslie Longhenry