Some of the Garretson FCA members delivered care packages around town tonight!
What advice would you share with the 17 year old version of yourself?
Deep thoughts from the Class of 2020 after spending the day in Adulting 101!
So awesome seeing teachers foster their students' love for the holidays. Thank you Ms. Neugebauer for sharing your talents and giving the students some holiday music during their lunch period today.
5D receiving their dog tags from Starbase!
5D students reading their Spooky Stories book they published to their 2B buddies.
1st graders had a blast being both the reindeer and passengers of their sleighs in P.E. Today! :)
Basketball Doubleheader vs the Canton C-Hawks tonight! Theme is Jersey Night.
Click the link to see what 2nd grade has been moving to in music! We LOVE “The Nutcracker Suite!”
There will not be a JV Girls Game against Canton Today (December 17). C Boys Basketball will play Canton at 4:00, JV Boys 5:00, Varsity Girls 6:30, Varsity Boys 8:00. Good Luck Blue Dragons!
Their will not be a JV Girls Game against Canton Tuesday December 17, 2019
Boys Basketball "C" Team will play Canton at 4:00 Tuesday December 17, 2019
The PTO fundraiser items are in! Please pick up your shirt orders in the office by Wednesday, otherwise they will be sent home with your child. Soup orders will be sent home with your child today. If you should have any issues with your orders, please contact Heather at Thank you for your continued support of the PTO!
This week, our class has read and done activities going along with the book, “Snowmen at Christmas” by Carolyn Buehner. Today, the class was able to show off their creativity by making their own snowmen!
A couple of my favorite first grade quotes while doing the craft:
“I’m a true artist!”
“I’m very professional at making stars!”
While learning about Christmas around the world, students learned how important Christmas trees are in Germany! They completed a STEM challenge trying to make a Christmas tree stand using paper, popsicles sticks, and tape!
Tuesday December 17, 2019 JH GBB & GBB/BBB DH Canton at Garretson
4:00 7th Grade GBB (Old Gym) A & B (B Game will be 10 minute running halves)
5:15 8th Grade GBB (Old Gym) A & B (B Game will be 10 minute running halves
4:00 "C"BBB New Gym 6 min qtrs 5 min half
5:00 JV BBB New Gym 10 min warm-up 6 min qtrs 5 min half
6:30 Varsity GBB New Gym 15 min warm-up 8 min qtrs 10 min half
8:00 Varsity BBB New Gym 15 min warm-up 8 min qtrs 10 min half
Leading the way: Compassion, computer science, perseverance and talent!
Mentoring is a two way street - helping two people grow!
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Maya Angelou
The Winter Sports Apparel order is in! Please pick up your order in the office. Some extra apparel is available and will be available for sale at upcoming wrestling and basketball events.
Winter blahs?
Our GMS Student Council DJ played us some Beatles “Here Comes the Sun” to soothe our minds and brighten our spirits.
Remember to a moment to enjoy the little things this holiday season!
Kickoff to the Blue Dragon Basketball Season starts tonight! Girls inter squad scrimmage in the Dragon’s Lair starts at 6:30, followed by the boys at 7:00. Bring an item for the food pantry as donation! Go Big Blue!