Winter Olympics in full swing!
almost 7 years ago, Matt Schrank
If you know someone who can't make the game tonight in Howard - Garretson Doubleheader. Check out this new event at -
almost 7 years ago, Chris Long
Check your email or the Garretson School website. for the February Newsletter
almost 7 years ago, Norinda Northrup
January 30, BBB game at Baltic - There will be a walking taco supper at the Baltic Gym from 5:00 - 7:30. $5 for Walking taco, spanish rice, dessert and drink. $6 for 2-taco meal!
almost 7 years ago, Guy Johnson
Due to poor visibility and weather conditions, the Garretson School District will be closed today, January 22. Stay safe everyone!
almost 7 years ago, Guy Johnson
Garretson Schools will start 2 hours late today, January 22. We will continue to monitor visibility as the weather develops this morning.
almost 7 years ago, Guy Johnson
Wrestling Parents Night will be at 5:45 at tomorrow's Tri-Angular, Start time is 5:00. Don't forget to reserve your State Wrestling Tickets, forms will be available at the gate tomorrow or stop in the office. See you there!
almost 7 years ago, Leslie Longhenry
The State Wrestling tournament will be held on February 23&24 in Sioux Falls. If you would like advanced tickets, pick up a form in the office. Reserved seats are $45 for the tournament. Order forms and tickets need to be returned to the office no later than January 19.
almost 7 years ago, Guy Johnson
Boys Basketball BEC Tournament is slated for this weekend: January 4th-6th. Thursday we are heading to Salem to play Parker @ 6:00 pm. We play in Salem on Friday and Parker on Saturday.
almost 7 years ago, Matt Schrank
Click the following link to check out the January Blue Dragon Flier!
about 7 years ago, Norinda Northrup
After school activities are cancelled for today, 12/21. There will be no games or practices. Students are urged to drive safely home after school!
about 7 years ago, Guy Johnson
Tonight's Basketball doubleheader v. Tea Area has been postponed. We will work with them to find another make up date to play the games.
about 7 years ago, Guy Johnson
Thursday Nights Basketball Doubleheader vs Tea will go as follows: 4:00: Boys “C” game Old Gym 4:00: Girls “JV” game New Gym 5:15: Girls “C” game Old Gym 5:15: Boys “JV” game New Gym 6:30: Girls Varsity 8:15: Boys Varsity
about 7 years ago, Matt Schrank
The Garretson Christmas order is in. Please stop by the office to grab your items or you can arrange a special pick up through Mrs. Buchholz.
about 7 years ago, Kelsey Buchholz
The Christmas Apparel/Merchandise order is here! Please stop by the office to pick up or arrange other options with Mrs. Buchholz
about 7 years ago, Leslie Longhenry
Back from repair! Be sure to check out the Garretson Event Channel! Christmas Lights from 2003, Student of the Month, and Basketball tonight
about 7 years ago, Matt Schrank
Schedule for tomorrow night! 4:00 7th GBB: Old Gym 5:00 8th GBB: Old Gym 4:00 JV GBB: New Gym 5:15 JV BBB: New Gym 6:30 Varsity GBB: New Gym 8:00 Varsity BBB: New Gym
about 7 years ago, Matt Schrank
Basketball vs Tri-Valley on Friday will go as follows: 4:00 pm: Boys "C" (MS gym) Girls "JV" (HS gym) 5:15 pm: Boys "JV" (HS gym) Girls "C" (MS gym) 6:30 pm: Girls Varsity 8:30 pm: Boys Varsity
about 7 years ago, Matt Schrank
Reminder: For Any PreK-5th Graders Interested in Youth Wrestling, There is Practice and a Parent Meeting is Tonight at 6:00! Parents meet in the Commons.
about 7 years ago, Leslie Longhenry
The JH/JV Wrestling in Flandreau has been Cancelled due to the forecasted Weather!
about 7 years ago, Leslie Longhenry